from ma cousin in la:

Excerpt from Hugh Hewitt (KRLA, AM870) radio program interview with Mark Steyn:

HH: "I want to start with Benedict XVI. Rarely have I seen mainstream media turn and bare their teeth as quickly as they have towards Benedict, Mark Steyn. Why? And what does it tell us about media?"

MS: "Well, I think they were rooting for Ellen Degeneres or Rupert Everett. And the fact that the new Pope is, in fact, a Catholic, seems to have come as a great surprise to them. And, you know, each to their own. But if, for example, social conservatives were to complain that the new editor of the New York Times wasn't Rush Limbaugh."


from my cousin big bert, made me laaaaaauuuugh:

After digging to a depth of 100 metres last year, Russian scientists
found traces of copper wire dating back 1000 years, and came to the
conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network one
thousand years ago.
So, not to be outdone, in the weeks that followed, American scientists
dug 200 metres and headlines in the US papers read: "US scientists have
found traces of 2000 year old optical fibres, and have concluded that
their ancestors already had advanced high-tech digital telephone 1000
years earlier than the Russians."
One week later, a Filipino newspaper reported the following:
"After digging as deep as 500 metres, Filipino scientists have found
absolutely nothing.
They have concluded that 5000 years ago, their ancestors were already using
wireless technology".


what's been going on. i passed by a hit-and-run just after it happened; a guy in a ford focus hit an 80-year old man and his dog as they were crossing the street. the dog was mutilated, the man died. what upset me later was that what upset me then was the dead dog, i thought the man was alive. i wonder how attached they were. my dad loves the new pup so much, he talks to it. imagine living 80 years and some punk kid hits you with his effing subcompact. they just left the dog to decompose on the street. fuck. i hope they are traipsing in a freakin' meadow right now.

i am never letting the pup and my dad cross the street together, ever.

flower pup down

i am so not getting anything done because of the new pup.